12:27pm 02/01/2024
A country for sale…priced at RM750 million?
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

Two items caught my attention this week; one about J-Kom asserting a possible Dubai Move by two “Tuns”, and the other is an allegation by famous YouTuber Iswardy Morni.

Iswardy alleged that an initial attempt of buying MPs from the Unity Government was priced at one billion ringgit, but was thwarted by the unexpected move to freeze the property of one of the Tuns above.

There was then a second attempt at bringing in 140 million euros into the country by a notorious mercenary blogger via a private jet, but that, too, was thwarted outside the country.

I have no trouble believing in this sort of Malay politics of buying loyalties, as we already have the Sheraton Move as a clear and direct precedent.

For a country to be bought by just at a price of RM1.7 billion is really a cheap investment, as we have seen how RM40 billion was easily taken by one plump Chinese man living in luxury overseas while his poor Melayu friend languish a few kilometres away from my house in Kajang.

So, knowing our past history and the attitude of our MPs over money politics, I would say that both allegations are believable.

So, after trying to topple the Unity Government with race and religious fanfare was thwarted by Anwar appeasing the Malays and rakyat with the goodies, now comes “an investment” approach of using direct cash from two Tun “investors”.

What a sorry state is our country, dear Malaysians! Sometimes I just want to throw my arms up and say…I’m giving up! In the northern Malay dialect, I would have said “lantak pi kat depa lah”.

However, as much as the news distressed me, I could not help smiling at some things that if the Dubai Move were to succeed, what be the meaning of it to some Malaysians be.

Well, firstly, I think those civil society personalities who could never find anything good about Anwar’s administration, even to the extent of giving him a D-, they would have their wish.

We may have an extremely old man for a PM, or an extremely religious man to helm the country!

Padan muka, I would deliriously say. Your prayers were answered by your God.

MPs and political parties are up for sale whether through money or appointments. So, why waste time going to vote? It’ll end up in somebody’s bank account anyway!

Secondly, I would also smile at the thought of not having to stand in the rain to vote ever again, because if the Dubai Move succeeds, there is little point going or having an election.

MPs and political parties are up for sale whether through money or appointments. So, buat apa buang masa going to vote? It’ll end up in somebody’s bank account anyway!

Thirdly, we could do away with any religious or moral subject, and concentrate on science and technology for these two subjects can make money, food and bombs.

This curriculum would feed us, kill us and drive us to a mental institution very early in life…maybe in our thirties.

What morality is there any more when leaders become disloyal to those who have appointed them with their votes and hopes?

Malaysia will be ruled by either a rich oligarchy or a self-appointed religious group thinking the wealth of this nation is theirs even unto their graves and hereafter.

Fourthly, the Dubai Move would usher in a new world of Malaysia in an upside down manner similar to the one suggested in the popular series “Stranger Things”.

The villain, Vecna, in this Malaysian version would wear a turban and jubah while the flesh-eating monsters are the MPs, and the zombie human agents are the Tuns.

In this upside down world, every one will be food for the slithering vines controlled by the mind of the PM hive.

All will be destroyed eventually and then the hive would find another host through their billion ringgits and euros.

In this year 2024, Malaysians must seriously reflect where their loyalties should lie. They may still pander to their narrow sense of righteousness without any context to consider or they should open their heart to what God has given us in this Unity Government.

If we do not support it with our gratitude and respectful suggestions, then we deserve the “Stranger Thing” version of an upside down Malaysia that was bought by a few old Malay men with money stolen from our own children’s future.

So, car boot sale anyone? I have a country for only a mere RM750 million…Going once, going twice…sold?

(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Sheraton Move
Dubai Move


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