12:09pm 02/01/2024
Wishes for a better year ahead
By:Ang Lai Soon

Traditionally, the dawn of a New Year brings new hope, new hope that better things will come.

But we are entering an entirely new world, unprecedented in human history.

The world we knew has changed. The people we knew have changed, in mental outlook.

Everything has changed incredibly and well beyond recognition.

This is an absolutely new world. A new world created by extreme climate change and Covid-19.

The unholy alliance has been responsible for making 2023 the most challenging year ever in human history.

Today, the TV we watch unfolding before us almost every second of the day torrential rains, massive floods, typhoons, draughts, uncontrollable wild fires, Arctic freezing cold weather, and scorching heat.

All these not only kill human lives and animals, but affect every aspect of life as well, including the recovery of the much battered global economy.

We must make a rational and sensible choice. 

We must go forward, go green, go for renewal energy together — wind and solar energy, not constructing more dams.

We must make firm commitments to phase out coal and fossil fuels. Make sacrifices for now, invest in the future. A long term strategy. 

Plant more trees and do not destroy the rainforest in the name of progress. Recycling plastic bags. 

We must do our part as responsible citizens. This is a critical moment, and if we do not minimise climate change now, this planet may just reach a point when mankind might find it difficult to survive in 20 years’ time.

So, we must do our part to our very frail environment which has been abused since the Industrial Revolution specifically. 

The crafty pandemic teaches us an important lesson. We are part of Nature, a vulnerable species, not much different from any other species, many of which man has driven to near extinction.

With climate change caused by man’s insatiable exploitation of the oceans, land and air, especially after the Industrial Revolution, we are sowing the seed of our own extinction!

It is imperative that besides our 2024 New Year resolutions, we must make a pledge as well to live in peace and harmony with Nature, and not to destroy the shared planet Earth.

Let it not be said that this generation, which can make a difference in reversing the untenable living conditions we find ourselves in at this most difficult and trying time, has decided to keep the old ways for the sake of material gains for now.

Today, we see new poverty even in developed countries, where children are starving, not able to have enough to eat, with homeless people everywhere, too.

Six years ago, I suggested that while many are starving, we have food thrown away every day by the hospitality industry, supermarkets, etc.

But there must be volunteers who will call at these places to collect the food for redistribution to charities looking after the less privileged, the deprived, the poor, the vulnerable, the disabled, the old folks home, and abandoned parents and children as well.

Organised government efforts in supervising and volunteers are needed.

Bear in mind that abuse is to be expected. In huge OXFAM, there was abuse as well. 

The food to be collected at the end of the day is technically considered end of its shelf life. 

No conflicts, especially the armed ones, are justified, with innocent killed, especially children, women, the disabled, and those who have spent decades of their lives serving their countries.

We are fortunate that we are not in such a situation where race and beliefs have been dividing the people.

Tertiary education should be free for all, and to give sound education to all people who will be exposed to universal good values that will teach them to think rationally, wisely and sensibly, and act with confidence as world-class citizens.

Peace, harmony and acceptance are assured in those circumstances.

I have for decades been campaigning for making the training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at all institutions of learning nationwide and across the globe.

Together with the use of automated external defibrillators (AED), CPR can help save many lives, and will not overwhelm the healthcare system.

In fact, one of the recent federal education ministers responded officially to my appeal, but due to several changes of government, it was not implemented.

This was supported by Sarawak’s minister of welfare. 

It is my hope that the federal government will end this uncertainty so I can bring my decades-long campaign to an end, and many a precious life can be saved.

We look forward to a more bearable and fruitful year ahead.

Happy New Year!

(Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon is Sarawak social activist, philanthropist, founder of St John’s Ambulance Sarawak.)


Ang Lai Soon


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