There is to be a big rally for Najib’s house arrest issue related to the mysterious Addendum said to be penned by the former YDP Agong.
The Umno-sponsored rally is said to be joined by their old friend, or old enemy, PAS.
Now, many Malaysians are vexed at this episode. Some feel betrayed by Anwar for letting this happen, and some feel Najib does not deserve any house arrest as there is no such thing in Malaysia.
There are also those who question Umno’s desire to change and be part of the PH and Unity Government coalition now and the future.
Dear Malaysians, I am not worried at all.
There are four factions in Umno with respect to the Najib case and future, from my reading of Malay politics. All except one of these groups have their own agenda except the pity or love of Najib, to my mind.
It’s just another day of politics in Malaysia. Firstly, let us go through who are these groups who will be outshouting one another on Monday.
The first group of Umno, in my political crystal ball, is the one who wants to oust Zahid Hamidi.
These are probably people Zahid has sacked or sent into limbo. This group is the enemy of Zahid and will do anything and everything to dethrone Zahid so that they can come up on top.
This group wants to rule Umno and Malaysia, preferably without Najib.
The second group of Umno members are those who have already made secret deals perhaps with PAS.
Umno members will never work with Bersatu as this party is seen as traitors. This group wants to outmanoeuvre Zahid so that he has no choice but to work with PAS and GPS, with GRS falling in line after.
This group will never make Najib the boss again but appoint one of their own who will then be the new Prime Minister of Malaysia. Not Najib.
Najib can go back to prison for all this group care. Of course, this is my reading only.
All the groups have their own agendas and three of them could not care two cents for Najib.
The third group of Umno members wants Najib back as the President of Umno. Of course, as President, then he can be appointed as the Prime Minister again.
This group is small in number but the members are Najib loyalists from the start to finish.
This group rises and falls with Najib in whatever fate delivers.
The last group is actually the members who wish Najib to remain in prison.
Why? Well, obviously the Queen Bee will never tolerate another Queen Bee. Only one may be Queen of a nest.
But this group needs to be seen to support the rally and the Najib house arrest. They have no choice.
This group also has a unique opportunity to identify clearly who are in the three other groups.
If Najib comes out or in house arrest, he will exert an influence that would jeopardise whoever holds the reign of power presently.
Thus, dear Malaysians, this is an Umno affair. Let us sit back and enjoy the melodrama.
All the groups have their own agendas and three of them could not care two cents for Najib.
These three groups either have to show loyalty by demonstration or they need to make sure that their loud voices drown others and force the destruction of the Unity Government.
PAS is rooting for the three groups in Umno. It does not care who becomes the Prime Minister as long as it sits in a new government and have many positions that pay lucrative salaries and allowances while not doing anything at all.
There may be many “special ambassador” posts like the ones given before that have no KPI except using as much fund as the positions can bleed the rakyat.
So, we the rakyat should not say anything. Umno is within its own right to rally for their fallen leader.
To the eyes of many, this is true loyalty, but to the trained eye, this is just another day in politics of which 75 per cent outcome is NOT seeing Najib back in the seat of power.
So, why worry?
(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)