12:12pm 26/12/2024
Challenges for Malaysia ‘by’ Malaysians in 2025
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

When my editor asked me to write something about Malaysia’s challenges in 2025 or what to expect in the new year, I told him that my article will focus on Malaysians, not so much Malaysia.

Why? Because if Malaysians do not change their mindsets about many things, then Malaysia will suffer a perpetual state of what we have been having for the last 50 years.

We will all be stuck in a temporal loop that will replay all the racial games, all the religious threats, and all the political dramas that are pulling us all into a whirlpool of ignorance, hatred, and disrespect for each other.

I would like first to open the article concerning how Malaysian Malays who are Muslims should change.

And second, it would be to all Malaysians regardless of race on how we view politics, contexts, adab and social media information as well as how to read mainstream media themselves.

Then finally I will go onto how Malaysian non-Muslims should look at themselves and ask whether many things in this country are the fault of other races or perhaps… themselves.

Let us look at the Malays first. The latest incident is how PAS has ordered its branches and sections to collect money to pay off RM825,000 in lost suit on behalf of Siti Mastura who was found guilty of slander and defamation.

This letter by Takiyuddin that is widely circulating and not denied by PAS has raised two important issues with regard to Islam and Malay society.

On the one hand, PAS is asking their members to fork out their halal earning money to finance a haram act of fitnah.

Of course, PAS is selling it as part of the ‘perjuangan’ Islam to fight against evil, and that this act is a ‘holy war’ or jihad to establish Islam as the undisputed power in Malaysia.

My concern here is firstly, where are the voices from the many official clerics that we have in the country? Where are the voices of the many professors of Islam we have in this country?

Many of these clerics and academics are so quick to pounce on concerts, alcohol displays, names on stockings and tudung issues, but when it comes to this misuse of the term ‘jihad’ to support a slander that is probably used as a political weapon in an election campaign, why the silence?

Ustaz Syihabudin, a Youtuber, has made an interesting video about his analysis of this matter.

He pointed out that according to the instructions of the letter for all PAS branches and sections to donate certain stipulated amounts, Syihabudin had calculated that the amount was RM16 million!

That figure is RM15 million more than just to pay off for Siti Mastura so that her seat shall remain safe from being vacated and PAS would lose badly in the ensuing election against the combined might of Umno and PH.

The letter sent to all branches and sections ‘specifically’ mentioned to help Siti Mastura to pay off the defamation cost and nowhere was it implied that PAs was using this issue to collect a significant war chest.

Thus, how the Malays in PAS react to this Jihad-Fitnah and War Chest implication will tell how Malaysia will fare in 2025.

If PAS manages to collect the money in less than a week, Malaysia will not be in very good shape!

Next, we have Malaysians’ way of dealing with the issue of the Sabah ‘whistleblower’.

For me, the man in question is not a whistleblower but a political agent seeking better pastures with another political party.

He had admitted to giving the bribes and have the audacity to play the innocent victim! It’s like saying… Ayoyo I bagi rasuah juta-juta but these people tak kotakan janji mereka bagi saya projek!

The matter was as clear to me as day. But the narrative that civil society, the online media and even university students is that politicians are guilty of corruption and that they must all resign.

Now, to me, the guilty party need not be investigated because he already admitted to giving bribes, so actions against him should be directed.

However, those implicated who are yet to be investigated because the ‘whistleblower’ chooses trial by media and ignorant citizens and withheld evidence to the MACC.

The frightening issue now is not just about rampant corruption. The frightening issue here is this trial by media!

If Malaysians do not understand that they are being played, and Malaysians do not understand due investigation course, then we will be a society of anarchy where populism rules through unchecked social media platforms.

This fast pace and uncontrolled media dissemination coupled with an impatient and a totally arrogant public bent on seeking vengeance on all politicians regardless of issues will break us apart as a nation.

Forget economic downturn or education scores, we are already on the throes of death as a society.

I am completely ashamed to be a Malaysian just looking at how civil society is grading Anwar unfairly and Malaysians blaming him for everything wrong in this country.

Finally, we have the non-Malays. The non-Malays have played victims for far too long. It’s time to change.

We must all consider ourselves victims, not just some of us.

We are all victims to our ignorance, arrogance and the blame-others syndrome. Buck up and start taking issues with yourself!

Many Malaysians disagree with me on this matter as they love blaming the Malays, blaming Islam, blaming PMX and blaming the weather… all the time and every time.

They blame the DAP for being too quiet although I said the DAP has to do a different approach to politics as they are not only the government but they also have to work with sworn enemies like GRS and Umno.

But no, most Chinese and Indians do not accept that. They want the old opposition DAP.

Thus, Islamic issues are raised by some popular-seeking DAP members without consulting the proper authorities in Islam and also not waiting for their Muslim members.

These acts further encourage the Akmals and the Hadi Awangs to stand out as ‘pejuang-pejuang Islam’.

Then there is the ‘blaming PMX’ affair. Najib’s pardon is PMX fault. Najib’s Addendum also Anwar’s fault.

Even though both are the responsibility of the previous Agong, never mind- lah whack Anwar lagi senang.

Rosmah’s acquittal from AG’s lack of strategy is also Anwar’s fault. OKU kena tumbuk also PMX punya hal!

If I were Anwar, I would resign and just play with my grandchildren. I would not want to die in an office where I did not collect salaries and was subjected to all such unfounded abuses.

Malaysia and Malaysians do not deserve Anwar Ibrahim. I told my wife that if PN were to be in power in GE16, I would be OK with that because the way that Malaysians, especially non-Malays, have treated Anwar is by far worse than how Tun M and Umno had undressed him in public during the sodomy trials.

I am completely ashamed to be a Malaysian just looking at how civil society is grading him unfairly and Malaysians blaming him for everything wrong in this country while casually forgetting that it was non-Malays who supported Tun M and BN after the unjust jailing of one human being, one Malaysian, and one citizen.

Just because Anwar is a Malay with an Islamic ideology that would mitigate between Islam and modern democracy, Malaysians felt that he was a threat when in fact, he could very well be the saviour and the light at the end of the tunnel.

I keep asking, if not Anwar, then please bring me your champion!

Malaysians are bludgeoning one fighter for this country while they do not have an alternative substitute warrior.

So, what is expected for 2025? I predict the worst!

(Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Anwar Ibrahim


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