2:36pm 03/03/2025
What we need is Adab and forgiving leaders, not more anti-racial laws
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

The Malays have a saying, “Sarang tebuan, jangan dijolok”. In other words, do not disturb the hornet’s nest or else you will be stung badly.

The issue of the need for an anti-racial discrimination law is what I refer to as a “bola tanggung” to the opposition.

I am partially in agreement with the Minister of Unity Aaron about laws that are already present to deal with issues of racial slurs and disrespect. Whether these laws mentioned by Aaron are selectively used or not is actually the main crux of the matter at hand.

Take for instance our “friend” Akmal Saleh who has clearly a target for non-Malay DAP MPs.

His excuse is that he is defending Islam and therefore can be as rude as he wants.

Well, I do not know which Prophet he was referring to when he studies Islam, but my Prophet is Muhammad bin Abdullah.

I do not know which source Akmal used to justify his threatening, insulting and menacing tactics. But, instead of the law coming down on him, he is given a Datukship.

Baguslah! We do not need any laws if we have a culture for rewarding people like Akmal.

Then there is Hadi Awang and PAS. These so-called Muslim warriors have used derogatory words on non-Muslims and Muslims time and time again.

Their use of the Qunut Nazilah and Kafir Harbi was the most notorious and damaging, not only to Muslims but also to Malaysia. But…they are rewarded with four states and 43 MPs.

So, tell me, do we need laws or better education of Islam and the subject of respect for all faiths, cultures, race and heritage?

No, my dear Malaysians, we do not need any more laws but better teachers and better curriculum and syllabus.

We concentrate too much on science, mathematics and industry. And then we wonder why we disrespect each other so much.

The university IS the elephant in the room and yet, semua orang tak nampak!

We have enough laws to deal with such issues of racial disrespect. What we do not have is the lesson of Adab.

Now, many would disagree with me by saying that without the anti-racial discrimination law, then the Malays will always have the edge.

I am sorry for this but that is part of our history. You might as well complain about our royalty having special privileges than us mere peasants.

But that is our historical baggage, and whether it is burdensome or actually a blessing is how we view it from a certain perspective.

Look at the issue of the proposed guidelines for Muslims visiting houses of worship or non-Muslim events. While the MPs shot at each other, the Sultan of Selangor and Sultan of Pahang arrived in full dignity at these so-called controversial events.

In this case, the baggage of history is a blessing.

How can we avoid incidences such as the jagung seller? Firstly, we must have good muftis and good professors speaking nicely and with knowledge of both spiritual lessons and social understanding to the perpetrators. We do not need muftis who allow personalities thriving on insulting other’s faith as dakwah and ignore a federal law just because he has discretion with state laws of Islam.

Are you surprised at the jagung seller? I wonder who his spiritual teacher is? And I disagree with Akmal who keeps saying “sorry no cure”. To me sorry IS the cure!

Akmal never says sorry so he would not know anything about the spiritual lessons of asking forgiveness and according forgiveness.

In Akmal’s world, its either “police report” or pergi mampus!

The solution? Malaysians must come out in full force and vote for anyone other than this person. Let him go to Kelantan if he wants to get elected. We do not need any other additional laws to keep the peace and harmony.

In conclusion, we have enough laws to deal with such issues of racial disrespect. What we do not have is the lesson of Adab, whether from Islamic or the Universal practice.

What we do not have is the willingness to forgive when a person makes a wrong action or statement derogatory in nature.

For those who repeatedly insults others and repeatedly apologises, do not send him to the police but send him to Tanjung Rambutan.

What we also do not have is an emphasis in education on arts, literature and heritage of other cultures.

Too much science and maths do not create any Nobel Laureate but has destroyed this country beyond recognition of the forefathers who laid the foundation to our nation.


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi


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