3:08pm 10/05/2023
Proklamasi Orang Islam-Melayu
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

In my article this time, I have decided to answer the Proklamasi Melayu that I got from the link, with my own Proklamasi Orang Islam-Melayu, and ask Sin Chew Daily to publish my proclamation in original Bahasa Melayu.

I do not know who the author of this link is, but I am sure it is to create dissent among the Malays to help certain political parties win votes in the state elections due in a very short time.

Basically, the Proklamasi Orang Melayu that I read makes the narrative that: firstly, the Malays are weak economically; secondly, the Malays have lost political power; thirdly, the main Malay party is corrupt and lastly, Malay leadership and unity is weak.

I am countering all those points in my own personal Proklamasi Orang Islam-Melayu:

1. Orang Islam-Melayu di Malaysia menguasai kesemua Universiti Awam dengan kira-kira 90% ahli akademik Melayu-Islam.

2. Orang Islam-Melayu di Malaysia menguasai keseluruhan kekuatan ketenteraan dengan majoriti besar kesemua kepimpinan dan askar.

3. Orang Islam-Melayu menguasai majoriti besar kesemua kepimpinan tertinggi dan keanggotaan Polis Diraja Malaysia.

4. Orang Islam-Melayu menguasai lebih 80% jentera kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri.

5. Orang Islam-Melayu menguasai majoriti besar tenaga pengajar di berpuluhan ribu sekolah rendah, menengah dan tadika.

6. Orang Islam-Melayu bekerja dengan kesemua kaum dan budaya pelbagai di Malaysia tanpa halangan.

7. Orang Islam-Melayu memerintah Malaysia dari kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu, penubuhan Malaysia dan kematangan perindustrian Malaysia dalam politik dan ekonomi dunia.

8. Kesemua Sultan dan Yang DiPertua Negeri adalah dari orang Islam.

9. Kesemua Perdana Menteri Malaysia adalah orang Islam-Melayu, malah ada yang diberi peluang menjadi Perdana Menteri dua kali.

10. Kesemua bidang professional dianggotai oleh semua kaum termasuk orang Islam-Melayu; arkitek, jurutera, doktor, peguam, akauntan dan beratus-ratus jawatan lain.

11. Terdapat beribu-ribu masjid untuk orang Islam-Melayu dibina melebihi berganda daripada gereja, kuil dan gurdwara.

12. Berjuta-juta orang Islam-Melayu hidup senang dengan pencen daripada orang lain yang tiada pencen.

13. Kepimpinan Islam-Melayu telah membina sekolah, universiti, bangunan awam, jalanraya, jaringan keretapi, hospital, rumah orang tua dan kebajikan dan beratus-ratus bagi kemudahan untuk semua bangsa India, Cina, Dayak, Kadazan, Orang Asli, Murut, Bajau dan ramai lagi.

Thus, in my proclamation, the Malays have never lost political power; the Malays are at the forefront of all academic fields and professions; the Malays have built Islam strongly; the Malays are in full control militarily and other security aspects, and that all the leadership of the country have been Malay all along for 70 years.

For whatever good or bad on the Malay community, it has always been the doings of the Malays themselves and not of others.

The Malays are where they are presently because of the Malays in the past, rightly or wrongly. There is no one to be blamed.

The Malays have the ability and capacity to be the very best, or the very worst, as with any other race in the world.

The battle for Malaysia has begun. All Malaysians must have patience, wisdom in answering, be respectful in conduct and above all, be resolute in making sure all our friends, relatives, children and co-workers go out and vote for parties in our unity government.

The state elections are a mandate that will strengthen or destroy this present government.

(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Proklamasi Melayu


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