PETALING JAYA: About 80% of Chinese in this country are without will, according to Malaysia Will & Trust Association (MWTA).
Its president Datuk Cai Ming Min said up to RM8.8 billion of cash and RM70 billion of fixed assets of inheritance were unclaimed as of 2019.
“Fewer than 20% of Malaysian adults have written their wills. This has caused delay in handing over inheritance to the successors,” he said.
MWTA will go on a roadshow to enhance public awareness on the importance of will writing.
Cai led a delegation of MWTA committee members to have a dialogue with Sin Chew Daily in hope of promoting will writing.
MWTA will also be working with a financial planning organization under Bank Negara on will planning.
MWTA was set up on February 1 last year with more than 200 members in insurance, trust, financial planning and legal industries.
It has conducted more than 70 sessions of online seminars on will and trust, and has assisted 1,000 families on financial planning and 100 families in will and trust execution.