After the KK Mart owner met the YDP Agong and the King had decreed an end to anymore escalation of the issue, a defiant Akmal Saleh buat tak tahu saja. When asked if he would call off the boycott, he answered with a question whether the Agong had ordered the boycott discontinued. Then, we have the statement of the ‘old cowboy’ of UMNO, Bung Mokhtar, who said that the top leaders had advised Akmal to desist tapi dia tak faham-faham juga. And anyway, according to Bung Mokhtar, KK Mart is NOT a Sabahan issue. Hmmm…I seem to track a pattern here about intelligence, shrewdness or pure stupidity. Now, for an academic like me to use the word ‘stupidity, I must have run out of words in my academic vocabulary and have had to resort to my lower level and base vocabulary. Apologies all around.
But, there is this curious thing in the Malay language. I can only think of four words to describe intelligence; cerdik, pandai pintar and bijak. But there are eight words to describe the opposite of intelligence: bodoh, bangang, bebal, bongok, bengap, biul, dungu, tengin. Bodoh would mean stupid as in not understanding a simple thing. Bangang would mean repeatedly making the same stupid mistake. Bebal would connote a difficulty in paying attention to improve oneself. Bongok is simply a frustrating word used by a person on another in exasperation or impatience of that person making a mistake. Bengap is just dumb. Biul I seldom use and it may connote an inability to learn. Dungu might be the same as dumb. Tengin is the highest level of stupidity in any person alive who can function in society. Now, does any of these words apply to Akmal Saleh? I do not think so. These words, however, do apply to most of his supporters including both ‘highly educated’ ones or the SPM level ones. For Akmal, even the word bodoh-sombong which describes a person who is clearly stupid and too proud to admit it and thus continue on his stupidity. For Akmal Saleh, he defies any Malay word I know, unless the Dewan Bahasa people know things that I don’t.
Whichever the case maybe for Akmal Saleh who do not seem to comprehend the many advise given by cultured personalities as Anwar Ibrahim, the YDP Agong Sultan Ibrahim and the Yang Berhormat from the Unity Government parties, semua sudah cakap. All of us ordinary Malaysian with SPM or MCE Bahasa Melayu pun boleh faham, but not Akmal. So, my question here would be, what would make him faham?
How about, first, instead of cakap banyak, UMNO suspend him for defiance of the so called ‘orders of the top’ as stipulated by the old cowboy of UMNO, Bung. Can UMNO do that? Of course it can. But I do not think that would also diminish Akmal’s defiance. Then, how about taking away his Melaka Exco position? Can UMNO do that? Yes, but will that stop him? No, I don’t think so because he says that he would rather lose his position for defending his faith.
How about the police charging Akmal Saleh for incitement? We ordinary Malaysians never studied law but we recognize pure incitement in many of his speeches. It is a surprise and a huge disappointment that the Chief of Police did not see any incitement. Pelik binti Ajaib. I am sure that if he were to be charged and stripped of all his earthly position, then perhaps that might create a capacity of comprehension in the man’s brain and heart that what he has done is a serious dent to our efforts of social and religious harmony. I am doubly sure that if the police were to arrest those vigilantes and kurang ajar ustazs berating Malaysians at factories, then these supporters of Akmal would eventually vacate his obvious defiance.
Now, those suggestions could make Akmal end the boycott don’t you think so? At best, I think it is a 50-50 shot. He may or may not change. Then what would change him to see things like honest Malaysians who love peace and tolerance? Only two things would guarantee this change in the man, of that I am sure.
If the rakyat boycotts the Hari Raya Open House by UMNO states, then that would signal the end of UMNO in Malaysia. And, to seal the fate of Akmal Saleh, what if the rakyat delivers a total wipe out of UMNO and the old cowboy, in the coming Sabah state election? Now, that, my Malaysian brothers and sisters is how you may defeat a politician. First, use his own game and second, cut off his support base, UMNO the party.
No amount of advice by anybody would change UMNO. Only the rakyat can teach both UMNO and Akmal a lesson they will never forget. Malaysians may be both frightened and at the same time disgusted with Akmal and UMNO, but we have the only currency politicians understands; our votes and trust.
(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)