4:11pm 26/10/2023
Possible change to Dual Language Program at vernacular schools

PETALING JAYA: The Dual Language Program (DLP) at vernacular secondary schools where science and mathematics are taught in English to improve English proficiency may change.

Majlis Pembangunan SMJK Conforming Malaysia Chairman Kok Kim Tong said some of the vernacular schools, known as SMJKs, had received directive from the ministry of education that DLP would not be implemented in all Form One classes.

In an interview with Sin Chew Daily, Kok said under the directive, mathematics and science may be taught in Malay for some of Form One classes starting next year.

He said that at some schools, the students’ average score for Malay failed to meet the target, and starting Form One, there would be one or two classes where the students learn mathematics and science in Malay.

Citing an example, he said if there are 10 Form One classes, one or two would teach science and mathematics in Malay.

“The Ministry of Education does not allow science and mathematics to be taught in English in all classes,” he said.

It is not true to say the DLP has stopped in all Form One classes, he said.

Kok said MPSMJK(CF)M does not agree with the ministry’s directive, as SMJKs used to teach mathematics and science in English.

SMJK Katholik Board of Governance Chairman Tan Sri Lim Hock San confirmed that his school had received the directive from the ministry that at least one Form One class will be teaching science and mathematics in Malay starting next year.

The school is not allowed to teach mathematics and science in English in all the classes.

An anonymous individual from the education sector said the move of not allowing SMJKs to conduct DLP in all classes was still at discussion phase.

No schools have received directives from the ministry to “stop using English to teach mathematics and science subjects,” “English is not allowed to be used to teach mathematics and science subjects,” or “mathematics and science subjects must be taught in Malay only.”

As the SPM Malay results did not meet the target, some classes are to teach mathematics and science subjects in Malay, he said.

If the results of Malay papers in SPM are satisfactory, the education ministry would approve the teaching of mathematics and science 100 percent in English in school, he added.




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