12:43pm 08/08/2023
Vote: devote not devoid your time
By:Asohan Satkunasingham

As the upcoming state elections loom, it is crucial to remind ourselves of the power we possess as citizens of this great nation.

The very essence of democracy lies in our hands, and we exercise this power through the simple act of casting our votes.

It is at the voting booths that the government, chosen by the people, for the people, is established.

The respective state government reflects our collective choices, and if we desire a better future for ourselves and our country, it is imperative that we participate in the democratic process and cast our ballots.

As Abraham Lincoln famously said, “The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”

The right to vote is both a privilege and a responsibility that demands our utmost seriousness.

We often hear the phrase “the government is the people,” but let us take a moment to truly understand its significance.

The elected representatives who make decisions on our behalf and hold the reins of power, are chosen by us, the people. They are our voice in the legislative and administrative processes that shape our society.

Therefore, if the representation turns out to be less than satisfactory, the blame rests squarely on our shoulders, and I repeat it, the blame rests squarely on our shoulders. Period!

One unfortunate scenario arises when we witness poor governance or lackluster policies that fail to address the public’s needs.

In such instances, we tend to point fingers at those in power, accusing them of neglecting our concerns. However, it is essential to realize that the root of the problem may lie in our reluctance to participate in the democratic process.

Our votes are the instrument of change, holding the power to shape policies that affect our daily lives.

From healthcare and education to the economy and environment, our elected representatives make choices by the chance we give them through our vote in shaping our future.

Our votes are the instrument of change, holding the power to shape policies that affect our daily lives.

Often, the blame for a weak or corrupt government falls on politicians, but let us remember that they are only the tip of the iceberg.

The fault lies not only with them but with us, the electorate, as well. By abstaining from voting, we inadvertently contribute to the decay of the system we wish to change.

As citizens of a democratic nation, it is our duty to be informed, engaged, and empowered enough to make the right choices for our society.

Voting is not just an individual act but a collective effort to uphold the principles of democracy. It is an expression of unity and solidarity where we come together as a nation to chart the course of our destiny.

By voting, we affirm our commitment to a fair and just society where every citizen’s voice is heard and respected.

Conversely, if we relinquish this right to have our say in how the government operates, then we widen the gap between the government and the governed.

Delve deeper because casting our vote is not merely fulfilling a civic duty. It is about honoring the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for the very right we exercise today.

Throughout history, brave men and women have laid down their lives to secure our democratic rights. By voting, we acknowledge their struggle and preserve the legacy of freedom they bequeathed to us.

Let us overcome excuses and complacency. In the coming days, devote time to educate yourselves about the candidates and their policies.

Let us step out on 12 August 2023 and cast our votes with conviction and pride. Only then can we genuinely claim that we have fulfilled our duty as responsible citizens and hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions

According to Larry J Sabato, “Every election is determined by the people who show up.”

So, if we don’t show up, then bad officials become elected by us who do not vote. 

If you are uncertain to select your representative, I have created a simple checklist that was used during GE15 and you may use it as a yardstick.

In order to receive my vote, the candidate must achieve four criteria, among which free from corruption and criminal case is mandatory.

1. Free from corruption and criminal case.

2. Uphold the principles and practice of the Rukun Negara.

3. Possess the qualities of fairness, honest, knowledgeable and wise for growth, harmony and development of your constituency.

4. Has clear plans in building the next generation.

5. A successful and proven track record in public service.

6. Good health to ensure effective administration.

Remember, the power to shape our future lies in our hands. Hence, let’s devote time to vote and fulfill this duty.

(Asohan Satkunasingham, an Author, holds more than three decades of expertise in Human Resource Management and serves as the Chairman of Persatuan Usahasama Perkembangan Ukhuwah @ PUPUK.)


Asohan Satkunasingham
state elections


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