4:33pm 14/06/2023
Malaysians will not support the pardon of Najib
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

I am sad that some people I respect would even suggest the idea of pardoning Najib just so that he could help win the state elections.

Zaid Ibrahim is a man whom I respect and will continue to do so even when he willingly went in with Najib to prolong his case and now his idea of pardoning Najib.

On paper, of course, it is a good battle strategy to use someone with influence and even “some charisma and shrewdness.”

I knew Najib as a man with no vision for Malaysia but only wants to be a rich aristocrat and nothing more.

There is not an ounce of his bone to help anyone but himself and his insatiable wife.

I also thought that Najib was not a clever leader and only uses money and his political influence to climb the ladder of success.

But when he was sent to trial, he showed me what an incredible campaigner and shrewd strategist he was.

He was able to gain a huge following with the Malays who can’t think beyond their skin and so-called perceived privileges.

He would definitely be an asset to the Unity Government. Furthermore, with his arsenal of knowledge on Hadi Awang and Mahiaddin, he is the ace in the sleeve that one needs to win a war.

But I still say “no” to his early pardon.

I have already written to say that an early pardon is ridiculous as it puts a serious implication on the proof that all of us have seen as well as the integrity of the Chief Judge Tengku Maimun.

Unlike the Anwar trial of which only cats and gullible Malays would probably agree to the questionable proofs and judgment of judges, Najib was given every opportunity to defend himself but the bank accounts speak for themselves.

Even Zaid, Najib’s defender, admits now to the RM42 million charge.

He was very sure of Najib’s innocence when he was appointed Najib’s counsel at the last minute.

Zaid’s nonchalant statement of “Oh its just RM42 million saja” is not only demeaning but insulting to all of us whose bank accounts have never seen seven-figure savings.

I have worked for 35 years and am still unable to secure a seven-figure account to leave for my five children when I die.

Furthermore, Zaid makes very little care about the four years that time, money and effort were spent on the trial.

So sad that my friend, Zaid, has to say this, but I beg to differ bro.

However, I still respect Zaid and he is welcomed to my house anytime for lontong Johor.

Umno must reinvent itself and first apologize to Malaysians for Najib’s corruption.

When Mahathir lost the confidence of the Malays in the imprisonment of Anwar, Mahathir did not beg the Malays to come back to Umno.

Mahathir declared that science and mathematics should be taught in English, and his decree on that subject earned him the admiration and votes of non-Malays that carried BN to still win several elections after Anwar’s sacking and brutal beating by the coward-bully Rahim Nor, the then police chief.

Mahathir thumbed his nose at those Malays who supported Anwar, and he just dangled a juicy bait to the non-Malays.

So, this is what Umno should do now. Win back the non-Malays. Work with DAP, bukan suruh dia minta maaf! 

The whining and screaming of Pemuda Umno disgusts me greatly, and I am sure Mahathir is having a good laugh at the likes of Pemuda Umno begging Malays to come back.

There are even calls to ask those traitors like Khairy and Annuar Musa be readmitted. What a basket case of Umno young babies!

Umno must reinvent itself and first apologize to Malaysians for Najib’s corruption.

Yes, Umno may not win as much vote from the Malays but so what? It has the opportunity to be the Tunku Abdul Rahman and Onn Jaafar Umno loved by all Malaysians. Isn’t that something better to fight for?

Why fight for Umno members who think Malaysia should be governed by ustazs who know nothing of science, economics and sustainable living but only know about narrow-minded morality stifling creativity, progress and growth.

Offer the Malays a New Idea of a Melayu Global; a new Malay who is savvy in technology, compassionate to all, respecting all heritage and a global player in every subject.

We now have Indians as prime minister in a Western country, a Chinese minister also in a developed country. Where are the Malays and the Muslims?

So, Umno must inspire the Malays and be humble to the other Malaysians that their party has made enemies of for 40 years under Mahathir.

In the state elections, I call on all Malaysians living here and abroad to make all their votes count!

Together with the new Madani Melayu, we will save this country and let Najib have a nice rest until he admits to his crime, apologize to Malaysians, and give back the money he took.

Then, and only then, can Zaid and Umno talk about an early pardon.

We Malaysians are a forgiving people…but serve your time first-lah!

(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Najib Razak
Zaid Ibrahim


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