1:35pm 22/04/2023
Anwar’s Rumah Terbuka as opposed to Hadi’s Rumah Tertutup
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

Two recent news articles made me write this article. The first is Anwar Ibrahim’s unprecedented move to hold the Raya Open House in all states. The other is the tired and disgusting news about Hadi not wanting to be in DAP’s kitchen.

Anwar’s bid to close ranks and build bridges is the new Madani Islam as opposed to Hadi’s attempt to make enemies of all neighbors and others in Malaysia.

Anwar’s approach to me represents the true spirit of Islam while Hadi Awang’s stand is that of a false Muslim.

By “false” I mean a Muslim with a narrow mind and an even narrower spirit that would make building bridges across the divides of religion, race, politics and social status difficult if not impossible.

Very quickly, the PN election machinery is in a panic mode.

How to respond to Anwar’s brilliant strategy of using kindness, compassion and a spiritual strength of building brotherhood among humankind?

Of course, the PN people will say this is a gimmick for the state elections. It’s funny that they did not say the same thing when Anwar visited flood victims in opposition-led states.

A dirty heart is still a dirty heart. Whatever “serban” or “jubah” one wears and however many times one goes to the mosque for prayers, a dirty heart is still a rotten one.

One of the great attributes of Islam that Anwar understands and that I too understood is not to make enemies of people but to forge bridges of trust, faith and understanding.

It does not matter that the other is of a different culture, a different faith or even an outright self-declared enemy.

The Prophet Muhammad emphasizes the character of good manners, a smiling face and a heart that thinks of the nicest aspects of another person.

The Islam that Hadi now teaches is always to make enemies, to be suspicious, to sow discord and to cultivate mistrust between Muslims and others as well as between Muslims and other Muslims.

Anwar’s approach represents the true spirit of Islam while Hadi Awang’s is that of a false Muslim.

When Anwar became the PM, I told my wife that he would pray Jumaat prayers at all mosques in Malaysia, Allah willing.

I also told my wife Anwar’s strength in cultivating the Islamic brotherhood and the nations “brethrenhood” is the key strength of his leadership.

Why? He has a generous and kind heart cultivated through years of hardship and meditation in the prisons of the world but more so the prisons of the mind and the heart.

I know several individuals like Anwar and I make them as a beacon of humanity that is sorely missing.

It is sad that everything the PM does now will be interpreted in political and strategic terms. It is unfortunate that many are not able to see the spiritual depth and breadth of his actions.

Those who possess the depth and breadth of spirituality can see the attributes of a great soul and an open mind in Anwar’s speeches, actions and even gestures. Those who can’t, I am afraid, are either lost in their own self-delusion or false piety or simply loss to the world as defined in realpolitik or selfish economic calculations.

Life is more than just politics.

Once upon a time, I thought that Hadi Awang and Anwar were my beacons to Islamic spirituality. But now I know that one has the true light while the other is simply evil in disguise.

How do I know this? The evil one always shows himself to be more pious than others while the true Muslim is humble in silence but full of inclusive actions.

The evil one always places others of different faiths as inferior and glorify only his own misguided ideas of iman and righteousness.

The true Muslim accords dignity and respect to all as Allah’s wonderful creation. The evil one always says that only him and his own gang of followers will be in heaven while the true Muslim leaves Allah alone to decide and hopes that he will be accepted.

When Umno in BN was holding the federal power, its thought was always political and so Umno never organized anything that Anwar now is doing.

Anwar’s stand is the Islamic position of making friends and building bridges. In fact, there are no enemies of Islam among others. The only true enemies of Islam are the Muslims that think themselves special by their own sense of false piety as well as always thinking themselves better in every way than others both of different faiths and also of the same faith but of a different political view.

The Open House concept of Anwar Ibrahim goes beyond Hari Raya. It marks a significant shift towards the politics of brotherhood and inclusiveness as against the politics of greed and selfishness framed in bigotry and racism.

(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Anwar Ibrahim
Hadi Awang
Hari Raya


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