Since 2016, a group of coordinated volunteers supported by over 100 organisations started a crusade on putting values at the heart of society. That gave the birth of “World Values Day,” a day celebrated on the third Thursday of October each year. Ever since then, this annual campaign has gained traction, increase the awareness and practice of values around the world.
Just like an onion being peeled to remove its layers to reach the root, so does the core of our being, lies values. As the divide in the world gets widened against rich and the poor, those striving for wellness and fighting with illness, good and the evil, etc. when we focus on its core, it is the values that will help to unite and bind us.
This year’s World Values Day falls on 20 October 2022 with the theme “Values for Community.” The NGO I represent is Persatuan Usahasama Perkembangan Ukhuwah in short called PUPUK, embeds the aspirations and principles of Rukun Negara being promoted as national values to serve our national interest. Similar to Indonesia’s Pancasila and Japan’s Bushido Code that has transcend their communities to become an envy nation.
The theme aptly describes, how our diverse values, beliefs and customary practices in Malaysia as a pluralistic society if collaborated and put into oneness in action supported by our Rukun Negara as our creed, we will reach across our growing barriers that divide us in building stronger communities for a more united Malaysia.
Literally, the word community is rooted in two pertinent words; common and unity. In school, developing the moral compass of students, will enhance a school community. In the corporate world, we have seen how core values, when diligently practiced, would create a platform for employees to have shared values and purpose to build corporate communities to embrace brands of distinctive quality. When the community’s spirit is enhanced by values, then a nation enjoys ornamental citizens.
Likewise, for Malaysia, if our 40 ethnicities come under a common creed as encapsulated in our Rukun Negara, then we will savor shared values by collaborating in our unique strengths to celebrate our diversity for common unity.
Some ways to build values within our Malaysian community could be explained within the spirit of “Muhibbah” or goodwill, which was well received during our early formative years but lost in transit. Nevertheless, let’s reignite it moving forward.
Mindfulness: Being responsive to our surroundings and fellow Malaysian, where we become conscious and mindful in respecting our diversity for our common good, by displaying the value of “Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan” (good behavior and morality). Giving rise where respect exceeds suspect for each other.
Unity celebrating our diversity: We should always coexist to build upon the values from our diverse community and rich culture differentiated by our backgrounds, faiths, etc. Thus, we showcase and represent them as celebrated “Collective Malaysian Values.” In the past, our strength in diversity was an envy of many nations.
Hard work: Values built with hard work, works hard in sustaining our community. Our nation’s success is reflective upon the collective sweat over the years, poured on our soil by hard work contributed by each of her citizens. Building on the spirit of ubuntu “I am because we are.”
Integrity: Developing values around integrity will help propel us to better rankings in the Corruption Perception Index. In pale comparison with other countries, we have yet to secure the first ten spots of this index. Alike math, integer is a wholesome number without a fraction. Likewise, as we practice in unison the essential components of integrity such as trust, reliability, honesty, openness, confidentiality, accountability etc, we grow as a nation with wholesome value of integrity.
Behave with Budi: The word “budi” (courtesy or act of kindness) is closely associated within our culture. Hope its luster does not fade in our Malaysian dictionary. When we reflect, our sense of budi was demonstrated during floods last year, where we collectively rallied and rendered help to our fellow Malaysian who was hit by this calamity. Keep reigniting this spirit.
Attitude with Pride and Shame: When we win or do well representing our country, we share the pride of that win as a nation. At the same token, when a fellow Malaysian is charged and convicted by our court of law, we must take pride in our judiciary system that uphold our rule of law but as a nation, we must feel ashamed if we keep glorifying such felons serving for their own interest at the expense of our national interest.
Humanity: Although with the advent of high technology, we cannot lose sight of our values for humanity. We cannot afford a situation of high tech with low human touch. We should keep our communication channels open with fellow Malaysians to continue our sense of harmonious community.
Let us celebrate this World Values Day by reflecting what we value most as Malaysians and how we could make that value to commonly triumph in building our unity to serve our community. Happy Values Day!
(Asohan Satkunasingham is an author, progressive human resources practitioner, high impact corporate teacher and Chairman of Persatuan Usahasama Perkembangan Ukhuwah, PUPUK.)