5:12pm 07/04/2022
Rafizi has the upper hand in PKR deputy presidency race

PETALING JAYA: According to a source from Parti Keadilan Rakyat, former vice president Rafizi Ramli stands a better chance than secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail in the upcoming deputy presidency race.

The source told Sin Chew Daily this is because party members now badly long for victory, having lost repeatedly in earlier state elections.

“Rafizi is a major contributor to the party’s electoral success in 2018 and party members hope he will assist Anwar in the next election.

“Those who want to see drastic reforms in the party will go with Rafizi.”

Although Anwar’s daughter Nurul Izzah has yet to announce her next move, she has shown her support for Rafizi and has started campaigning for him.

“Saifuddin’s advantage is in his administrative and management experience in the party but he lacks the charisma and is seen as Anwar’s man.

“Those who don’t agree with Anwar will blame Saifuddin, as he is Anwar’s right-hand man.”


Rafizi Ramli
Saifuddin Nasution Ismail


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