8:28pm 21/11/2021
Young DAP leaders urge Anwar to step down

PETALING JAYA, BENTONG, Nov 21 (Sin Chew Daily) — Young DAP leaders are requesting Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to step down as the leader of the coalition following the defeat in Melaka polls.

They are of the view that Anwar, who accepted the defectors by allowing them to contest under PH, led to the defeat in the state election.

Hence, Anwar should shoulder the responsibility for the defeat.

They also urged the DAP leadership to consider leaving PH and seek other modes of collaboration so that DAP’s wings would not be clipped by its coalition allies.

DAP youth secretary Teh Hoong Keat said in a statement that Anwar is no longer suitable to lead PH or Parti Keadilan Rakyat. It is time to review the collaboration in PH and the coalition’s future.

To him, Anwar has fulfilled his historical mission.

“The defeat in Melaka polls should send him a clear message to step down and make way for a leadership transition so that the coalition can consolidate as soon as possible in preparation for the general elections,” he said.

Teh also said the DAP leadership should consider leaving PH to stop the party from getting hurt further.

He said the Melaka polls had pushed the PH back to the days of 2013 elections.

“Many blamed the low voter turnout as the main reason for the defeat. Those who are working outstation did not come back to vote.

“If the low turnout has led to PH’s defeat, one should ask why the PH supporters did not vote?” he asked.

Lee Chin Chen (L) and Chow Yu Hui.

Lee Chin Chen, the Pahang DAP secretary, also urged Anwar to step down.

“After signing a memorandum of understanding with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob who promised to push for the anti-hopping law to be tabled in parliament, PH should not have allowed the defectors to contest under PH and deceive the voters with rubbish talks,” said Lee in a Facebook post.

Lee, who is also Bilut state assemblyman, said if not because of the Melaka polls, the Melaka PH was still able to lead its 11 state assemblymen in facing the next general election.

PH did not only lose six seats but was blamed for accepting political frogs by arguing that they were not actually frogs as the defections would see PH back in power and the reference of “a frog with principle”, he said.

Lee said if the Chinese votes in mixed constituencies were not increased, a defeat would be inevitable.

Many PH candidates lost marginally in mixed constituencies in Saturday’s state polls.

“In the last election, PH had an upper hand due to the three-cornered fights which split the Malay votes. But this time, PH is not in a favorable position despite the fact we have three-cornered fights in all seats.

“This means the Chinese voters are no longer passionate and this has caused PH to lose the seats with slim margins,” he said.

Lee said if PH did not take the opportunity to review its future direction after the Melaka polls, the defeat might be repeated in coming elections.

“I urge Anwar to step down as opposition leader so that the younger generation can take over. We need to search for a new direction and seek consensus for PH to counter other right wing Malay parties,” he said.

Lee also said if PH is not keen to revamp, then the DAP leadership should consider leaving the coalition in search of alternative collaborations for all to work on their values and move on with their respective journeys.

Tras state assemblyman Chow Yu Hui, who is also the political education director of Pahang DAP, said leaving PH is an option which would spare the party from being tied down by its allies in the coalition.

Chow said PH allies were unable to speak up for non-Muslims in the Timah controversy and gambling ban in Kedah.

Since the allies are unable to share the same course as DAP in defending the common values such as diversity and equality, it would be better for DAP to leave, he said.

Chow said one should not forget the objective of the party. If one has abandoned the objective of the party in order to become government, ultimately the party will lose it grassroots support.


Anwar Ibrahim
Melaka election


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