The Malaysian Health Coalition welcomes the assurance by the Health Minister in Parliament on 27 July 2021 that "no action will be taken against (contract doctors) for demonstrating". This refers to the walk-out of hundreds of contract doctors on 26 July.
We call on the entire Malaysian Government (especially all Directors, Department Heads and other leaders in the Health Ministry, Royal Malaysian Police and the Public Service Department) to meet the Health Minister's assurance.
Therefore, no one should harass or intimidate our health professionals at any level of government. All police reports, warnings or show-cause letters submitted should be immediately withdrawn.
We must follow the spirit of the Health Minister's assurance, and no one should exploit any technicalities (for example imposing disciplinary action not for the walk-out itself, but for wearing black to work or other creative ways of imposing action).
Instead, we call on the entire Malaysian Government to continue implementing solutions to treat our health professionals fairly.
To beat COVID-19 and to inspire loyalty, trust and workplace morale, we must lead by example, not threaten with fear.