Sin Chew Daily
The International Women's Day on March 8 serves to remind us all of the significant contributions made by the women while urging the society to have a more serious look into the issue of discrimination against women in bringing about real gender equality.
Even though the issue of gender equality has long dwelled among us while calls to fight for women's rights have been loud and determined, gender equality has yet to become a reality in much of our world today, in particular developing and underdeveloped countries and territories. Discrimination against women is still very much evident and serious.
Sure enough humanity has made discernible progress in fighting for equal rights for the sexes. A recent international study shows that the percentage of female lawmakers around the globe has hit a record high of 25.5%, and this shows women are indeed gaining ground in the political circle.
Many countries have already produced outstanding female heads of government, among them German chancellor Angela Merkel and New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern.
By comparison, the Malaysian politics is still very much dominated by men, with only 14.4% female MPs and nine female ministers and deputy ministers (12.8%).
Politics aside, women have often been denied equal opportunities and platforms in the job market.
Many years ago the government set the 30% female decision-makers target, but what we have today is still far from that goal.
Of course, setting a quota like this is never an optimal solution, but more importantly, ability and not sex should be the one and only factor in determining a person's promotion prospects, in politics or career.
No doubt contributions by women to the world have been chronically downplayed, their potentials held down by feudal patriarchy. In modern world, women do not need any special rights. All they ask is equitable chances to perform and prove their worth.
We need more effective actions to realize the aspiration of gender equality by means of removing laws deemed unfair to women and enacting new ones to protect their rights.
For example, the problem of child marriage which has been around for ages is fast eroding women's rights and doing them extended harm. It is imperative that the government take a bold and resolved stand to ban child marriage outright.
We need to stress here that the society must also have a positive cognizance of the gender equality issue besides chanting loud slogans to safeguard women's rights.
On the issue of domestic violence, Wanita MCA lately made an absurd proposal to offer free karate classes for women. While it is a good thing to equip women with self defense skills, this is not the right thing to do to protect our sisters from domestic violence. What we need more are adequate effective laws, good enforcement and education.
Additionally, in lifting the social status of women, they must also have self awareness and establish the proper value system in order to free themselves from the toxins of male supremacy.
While some women are fighting so hard for their rights, others remain stubbornly submissive and are contented with assuming a subordinate role to men.
"Women hold up half the sky" must never be just a slogan that stays on the lips but evolve into a consensus and concept that will eventually turn into a reality.