12:07pm 21/10/2020
Umno’s ulterior motive is to have snap poll

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 (Sin Chew Daily) – Anti-Muhyiddin leaders in Umno feel that the party's ulterior motive is to dissolve the Parliament to pave way for fresh elections.

A party leader who prefers anonymity told Sin Chew Daily while Umno could wait a few more days, it's Muhyiddin, not Umno, that is getting restless now.

"The supreme council meeting was supposed to discuss Umno's ties with Muhyiddin, but with the relationship between Umno and PPBM now broken, it is a little too late to try to mend it!"

He said Umno's political bureau decided to reconsider its support because the party was unhappy with prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's leadership, urging the latter to renegotiate new terms of cooperation.

The leader told Sin Chew Daily Muhyiddin's administration only has a very thin two-seat majority and is on the verge of a collapse. As such there is no point for Umno to continue working with Perikatan Nasional but should seek renewed mandate from the voters.

"Muhyiddin fails to control his ministers. He could not do anything even if his ministers did not comply with their quarantine orders."

The leader nevertheless admitted that Umno would never support Parti Keadilan Rakyat president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Umno advisor Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as prime minister, but may retract the party's support for PN.

"Muhyiddin, Anwar, Mahathir or Ku Li will not get enough support to form the new government. So the best option is to have a general election."



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