12:29pm 10/06/2020
Stay vigilant during recovery MCO

The Malaysian Health Coalition (MHC) understands and supports the government's decision to transition into the recovery phase of the movement control order (RMCO). The gradual reopening of public life in Malaysia must rely on appropriate guidance from all areas of government and the Ministry of Health. We must remain vigilant until a vaccine for COVID-19 is available.

In the RMCO period and beyond, we urge the following:

1. Prepare teachers and school administrators

As the government begins a phased restart of childcare centers and schools, it is imperative that the standard operating procedures (SOPs) are comprehensive, non-discriminatory and include clear implementation guidelines. The government must provide teachers and administrators with all the necessary tools, training, resources, and physical space required to execute the recommended precautions before schools reopen.

2. Improve conditions for migrant workers

This follows our Joint Statements on non-citizen health dated 1 June 2020 and 29 April 2020. Migrant worker housing needs to be promptly improved to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in the community. Other measures such as improving conditions in detention centers and enacting a long-term workforce policy must also be addressed. We reiterate our position that non-citizen health is public health for all of Malaysia.

3. Be vigilant while traveling

We urge the rakyat to stay vigilant as restrictions on interstate travel and domestic tourism are lifted, and not take this recovery phase for granted. While we understand the need to restart tourism as it is an important economic sector for the country, the government and private sector stakeholders must work together to enforce physical distancing measures in all public areas, including in airports, hotels, highway rest areas and on public transportation.

4. Strengthen health systems capacity

This follows our Joint Statement on post-MCO strategies dated 23 April 2020. Health systems in Malaysia must be prepared to continue providing COVID-19-care while balancing routine non–COVID-19 care until a vaccine is available. We must protect and appropriately recognize all healthcare professionals. This includes providing rest time, fair remuneration and permanent posts. The resupply of our health system's equipment must also be conducted.

The RMCO is the next step in Malaysia's new normal. The all-of-government effort must continue to support the Rakyat and our healthcare professionals in combating COVID-19.

(Malaysian Health Coalition represents 48 member societies and 19 individuals. Full list of current MHC members can be found here.)



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