5:14pm 05/06/2020
Grateful man donates RM170,000 to his village during MCO

Former village chief Huang (L) and her team distributing the cash donation to villagers. SIN CHEW DAILY
Former village chief Huang (L) and her team distributing the cash donation to villagers. SIN CHEW DAILY

TAIPING, June 5 (Sin Chew Daily) — An anonymous philanthropist raised in Kuala Sepetang donates RM170,000 to his native fishing village during the COVID-19 lockdown. Each of the 850 households in the village receives RM200.

The philanthropist, who has long moved out of the village, sent a handwritten note to Chua Yee Ling, former Kuala Sepetang state assemblyman, in which he wrote: "I am from Kuala Sepetang. I no longer live there but I always remember the village that has raised me."

Chua said during the lockdown, Kuala Sepetang folks received donations such as greens, fresh fish, eggs, rice, face masks and others. This time, the village receives cash from the philanthropist.

She said the philanthropist who preferred to remain anonymous, contacted her last week to express his intention of paying back to Kuala Sepetang folks. He planned to donate RM200 cash to each family.

"I've spoken to the philanthropist on the phone several times and proceeded to make the arrangement to distribute the RM200 to each family in Kuala Sepetang in two days. The kind gesture is heart warming indeed, offering positive energy to all who are concerned about COVID-19," she added.

Chua said some villagers receiving the cash donated the money to the Kuala Sepetang welfare organization to support the needy families in the village or community-based activities.

COVID-19 has brought dramatic changes to people's lives. Many economic sectors and community have been badly hit, she said.

Chua thanked the trust that the philanthropist had in her to distribute the money to the villagers. She hoped the goodwill would create a chain-effect to inspire more people who are financially capable to donate.

She welcomes people to contact her team in Kuala Sepetang to mobilize plans in support of the village and help the villagers ride through the storms.

The handwritten note sent by the philanthropist to Chua Yee Ling. SIN CHEW DAILY
The handwritten note sent by the philanthropist to Chua Yee Ling. SIN CHEW DAILY



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