12:37pm 25/11/2022
Joining Anwar’s unity govt? Takiyuddin: PN will look into it

KOTA BHARU: PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said his party would discuss with other Perikatan Nasional component parties whether to accept prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s proposal for the coalition to join the “unity government.”

He said PAS would first consider the views of the party’s supporters.

Takiyuddin said in a statement today that he appreciated the new prime minister’s proposal to PN, and said his party would discuss this with other PN component parties soon.

“The voters gave PN very encouraging support in the 15th general election. As such, we need to take into consideration whether they are prepared to accept this proposal.”

He said he was thankful the political impasse after the election could be settled peacefully and that PAS accepted the final outcome.

PAS also congratulated Anwar for becoming the 10th prime minister of Malaysia, and Takiyuddin believed Anwar would perform his duties responsibly and fairly.


Anwar Ibrahim
Takiyuddin Hassan
unity government


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