12:39pm 27/10/2023
Empowering lives: Your guide to breast cancer awareness and support in Malaysia
By:Prof Moy Foong Ming et al
Professor Dr. Moy Foong Ming

Breast cancer is a global concern, affecting millions of lives each year1.

In Malaysia, it’s the most prevalent cancer among women, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment2.

While the statistics may seem daunting, you must empower yourself with knowledge and take charge of your health.

Here’s a concise guide to breast cancer awareness and resources in Malaysia.

Understanding breast cancer

Breast cancer transcends borders, impacting women of all ages and backgrounds.

The primary risk factor is gender, with women being the most affected. Other risk factors include age, obesity, alcohol consumption, family history and more.

Notably, many cases occur without specific identifiable risk factors.

High-risk gene mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase the risk, sometimes leading to risk-reducing procedures3.

Recognizing symptoms

Being “breast aware” means understanding your breasts’ normal look and feel.

If you notice any changes, consult a doctor immediately.

Common signs and symptoms include breast size and shape changes, lumps or swelling, skin texture changes, nipple issues, and breast pain.

While most breast lumps are not cancerous, early detection is key.

Taking action

If you suspect breast cancer, take these steps:

1. Visit a doctor: Seek medical care at a government health clinic or private healthcare facility.

2. Clinical examination: The doctor will perform a clinical breast examination.

3. Subsequent tests: These may include:

◾Mammogram: An X-ray to detect changes in breast tissues.

◾Ultrasound: An alternative to mammograms for pregnant women, women under 40 years old, and those with certain breast conditions.

◾Biopsy: Done when other tests suggest breast cancer; tissue samples are studied in the lab.

Local resources in Malaysia

Empower yourself with information and support from local resources:

1. MyHEALTH: The Ministry of Health’s health education portal offers valuable information on breast cancer.

2. Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA): A non-profit organization providing support and education to Malaysians.

3. National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM): Offers counseling, screening programs and support services.

4. Breast Cancer Foundation: Focuses on awareness, empowerment, and support for patients and survivors.

5. Majlis Kanser Nasional (MAKNA): Provides financial, emotional, and educational support to cancer patients.

Remember, breast cancer is not a life sentence. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.

Stay informed, ask questions when speaking with medical professionals, and take charge of your health.

Beyond the diagnosis, your journey can be a testament to your strength, paving the way for new beginnings and triumphs.


  1. Cancer. [cited 2023 Oct 16].
  2. Breast cancer facts and statistics 2023 [Internet]. [cited 2023 Oct 16].
  3. Sun Y-S, Zhao Z, Yang Z-N, Xu F, Lu H-J, Zhu Z-Y, et al. Risk factors and preventions of breast cancer. Int J Biol Sci [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2023 Oct 16];13(11):1387–97.

(Dr. Melissa Johari Chan, Dr. Fairuz bt Abdul Rani (DrPH candidates) and Prof Moy Foong Ming, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.)


breast cancer


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