Termed the best generation of dads ever in history, millennial dads are absolutely nailing it with their involvement and dedication.
From attending Lamaze classes to changing diapers, taking the kids out to being involved in PTMs, millennial dads are quite the apology for their past generations.
A study conducted by the Pew Research Center showed that 57 percent of today’s dads treat fatherhood as a focal point of their identity. They scored just a notch below their women counterparts.
“My office does not yet have a parental leave policy. I used up all of my sick leave and annual leave days to give myself a month with my new-born son. I was in tears when the 30 days were up,” reminisces Ayman Shawkat, a young banker.
A couple of generations back, societal roles were clear and distinct. The man earned, and the woman kept house. As a result, even if fathers did want to spend time with their children, the time constraint was just too much. Mothers were tired all the time, and fathers, generally absent from the scene.
Almost as if to compensate, the current generation has decided to change the trend. More emotionally aware, intelligent, and expressive, men are now realizing the crucial roles they play, both as husbands and as fathers.
As women become equal contributors to household expenses, men have stepped up to level the ground for their partners.
A father to a spirited three-year-old boy, Raheel Bardai mentioned, “I saw my wife struggle. We were both new parents and it was appalling how society would just expect her to manage everything just because she is a mother. It takes a village, but for those who don’t have one, it can definitely do with a partner.”
Younger fathers want to change the narrative for their sons; considering that a lot of them are well-read on the subject and understand the benefits of hands-on parenting, they are more willing to be part of the process for their offspring.
“My son was born in the thick of Covid,” reminisces father, and manufacturing professional, Aziz Lakhani.
“The world was transitioning from offline to online, and this gave me time to slide smoothly into my role as a father,” Aziz affirms, adding that even if the world has come back to speed, he never wishes to let go of the responsibilities he has willingly taken on for his son.
“I want my child to remember me as someone who wanted to be there for him.”
Though the dads of generations before weren’t nearly as involved, it didn’t mean they were bad fathers.
“Being a son is easy, being a father is tough,” muses Raheel, giving his own father grace and tribute.
“When a son becomes a father, he wishes to emulate his dad. I want to be a worthy role model for my son.”