KUALA LUMPUR: The Guangxi Association of Malaysia has a female president for the first time since the association was established more than 70 years ago.
Datin Cindy Leong beat incumbent Lee Chee Mun by one vote to be the new president.
Both Lee and Leong received 11 votes in the first round of election, with one spoiled vote.
The new committee members voted for a second time as both candidates received the same number of votes.
Leong received 12 votes while Lee, 11, in the second round.
Leong said she would work to reinvent the association to attract young generation of people from different age groups to join the association.
She would revise benefits for the members to ensure that all members are provided the support they need.
She would also be exploring business opportunities with China by collaborating with Malaysia Guangxi Chamber of Commerce.
Leong urged association members to stay united for the association wield its influences.