2:14pm 21/05/2023
80 percent state seats? Bring it on Mahiaddin!
By:Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

War cries have been officially sounded. The other side boasts an 80 percent win.

All I can say is…bring it on-lah! Bring in your one-race one-bigotry rule but Malaysians will come with all we have to deny these parties any victory.

Bring your influencers, Tik your Tok and spread your venomous lies and religious baiting, we Malaysians have seen it all and now are more ready with wisdom, patience and our own strategy.

In this article, I wish to silence politicians once and for all with a simple message. The fate of Malaysia is with us ordinary Malaysians, not political parties or government institutions.

We Malaysians are going to take back our country, our way and in our own time. How? Just read on-lah!

Firstly, Malaysians of all walks of life will mobilize everything to bring voters to the ground by way of bus fares or carpooling and by way of allowing paid leave to vote.

We Malaysians have the power within us to do this, and do it we shall.

We do not need millions of ringgits in corrupt war chests taken from poor citizens of all faith for we are not poor in purse or faith.

So come on, let the campaign begin!

Secondly, we Malaysians will fight the enemies of our multi-faith and multi-cultural lifestyle with wisdom and patience from the race and religious baiting issues like the Allah or alcohol or concert issue.

The enemy will get zero response from us and that is our secret weapon; non-compliance with the games of political taunts and threats.

We Malaysians are united and resolved, so good luck in trying!

Thirdly, Malaysians are not afraid to vote for Umno and DAP. Once Malaysians voted for PAS in the Barisan Alternatif, so don’t play-play with our sense of shrewdness.

We Malaysians have our own minds and the ploy of the enemies to divide us will fail.

The enemy has no substance, just noise and flutter. The enemy has no moral high ground but insinuations and slanders.

Malaysians have no problem voting for Umno. Did we not accept Zahid as DPM? No problem-lah! Anyway, Umno now must know that it needs us as much as we need them…now.

We can always change in the future like once we voted for PAS but now PAS is the enemy of freedom and our sacred Constitution.

Yes, sacred Constitution. It is a Constitution agreed upon by all faiths and all races. PAS’ institution is agreed only by its own race and false faith.

Fourthly, Malaysians will TikTok our way to victory. We too will use the tools of the enemy. If it is “war” that you want, it will be the “war” that you will gate.

Where are you going to get your 80 percent? Malaysians will never support a one-race party or a sniveling party that has no credibility but only as a “coolie” to the big boys of one-race and one false faith.

There is also no problem for the Malays who are good Malaysians to vote for DAP. That was solved in the Reformasi period.

Are we Malaysians doing this for Anwar? No! Are we doing this for Zahid? No! We are doing this to back a coalition of political parties that understands the importance of diversity, inclusiveness, patience and bertolak ansur sesama kita.

We are supporting a government that supports our Constitution and honors the hope and trust of the Rulers in their wisdom to honor Anwar as PM to lead a Unity Government.

Yes, it is not what we Malaysians hoped for, but God has His own ways and perhaps the ways of God outsmart the ways of man.

The Unity Convention was a resounding symbol of success.

We can work together even though we were once “enemies” because the real enemy is the one who boasts they can walk into Putrajaya with their fantasy claims of 80 percent.

Poodah! That summarizes my curt response.

The bolder the enemy, we Malaysians will be strongly entrenched in resolve. The cockier the enemy, we Malaysians will bide our will and time with wisdom. The stronger the assault of the enemy, we Malaysians will break the enemy’s front line with cunning and quiet strength.

So, go on with your green parades of motorcycles and lorries paid from sinful war chests. We Malaysians are not afraid of hundreds of flags or roars of motorcycles. Those are just cloth and exhaust fumes, nothing more.

The enemy has no substance, just noise and flutter. The enemy has no moral high ground but insinuations and slanders.

We Malaysians will drown all of that with our simple truth of what true faith in religions means and what true living truly is with our differences complementing all our lives.

So, Mahiaddin, bring it on and do your worst. We Malaysians of one heart and one faith in our motherland are ready.

Let us all recount the song Malaysia Berjaya that we sang when we were in primary school:

Malaysia Berjaya
Malaysia kita sudah Berjaya

Aman makmur Bahagia
Malaysia abadi selamanya
Berjaya dan Berjaya
Berbagai kaum sudah berikrar
Menjunjung cita-cita

Satu bangsa satu negara
Malaysia Berjaya

Dari Perlis sampailah ke Sabah
Kita sudah merdeka
Negara makmur rakyat mewah
Kita sudah Berjaya
Dengan semboyan kita Berjaya
Gemuruh di Angkasa
Satu bangsa satu negara…
Malaysia berjaya!!

Yes, Satu Bangsa dan Satu Negara untuk berbagai kaum berbilang bangsa, Malaysia Berjaya. Let this be our battle cry!

(Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor of Architecture at a local university and his writing reflects his own personal opinion entirely.)


Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
Muhyiddin Yassin
unity government
state elections


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