12:30pm 27/06/2022
From the reader: biased conclusions on Lam Thye’s revelation
By:P. Munusamy

I was amused by the views of veteran journalist Mohsin Abdullah writing in MySinchew, in which he also referred to an FMT piece by another veteran journalist Terrence Netto.

They said the recently published memoirs of Lee Lam Thye will do little to enhance his stature.

They had come to that conclusion based on their belief that the memoirs was published at a time when maximum damage will be inflicted on the DAP at GE15.

In the memoirs, Lee made reference to the time when he quit the DAP over a disagreement with party leadership 32 years ago.

I am amused that seasoned journalists as they are can come to such simplistic conclusions.

Instead of making accusations regarding the timing of Lee Lam Thye’s memoir, couldn’t they see that it had been more than three decades since he quit politics?

If it was his intention to spoil DAP’s chances at the general elections, he could have done it in the six general elections that were held since 1990?

He could have been the spoiler in the general elections in 1995, 1999, 2004, 2008, 2013 and 2018.

He could have dealt a severe blow if he had revealed in 1990 what he has revealed now, that Lim Kit Siang was the cause of his exit from politics.

Both the writers said the memoirs will do little to enhance his stature but they didn’t say why they thought so.

As seasoned journalists, they must be aware of the groundswell of support that Lee Lam Thye had received since the publication of his memoirs launched by no less a personage than the Sultan of Selangor.

Royalty and the rakyat have spontaneously sung his praises? Who are the writers to say otherwise?

It they had been true to their profession, the two journalists could easily have surmised that Lee had never intended to hurt anyone and that was why he had remained silent all this while.

Shouldn’t he be lauded for waiting till he was ready to tell his life story and then tell it like it was, with no holds barred?

I am sure it must have taken the writers considerable time with their interviews and researches to have the book ready now. So, the timing of the release of his memoirs was dependent on so many factors, and was not a move calculated to criticize anybody.

History and the facts prove otherwise.

Finally, the journalists should be seasoned enough not to be swayed by emotion or sensationalized journalism and draw their own biased conclusions.

Half-baked conclusions drawn from biased views do not enhance credibility!


Mohsin Abdullah
Lee Lam Thye


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