12:58pm 09/05/2022
Ensure safe working conditions for all health professionals

The Malaysian Health Coalition expresses our condolences to the family of the junior doctor in Penang General Hospital who passed away recently.

We would like to remind all Malaysians that our health professionals are experiencing tremendous stresses during the Covid pandemic. These stresses are added to the existing stresses of an overloaded, under-staffed and under-funded public healthcare system, even before Covid.

If these stresses are not managed well, the well-being and the work quality healthcare staff will be affected. In turn, that will affect patient care.

Therefore, we urge the Ministry of Health to take strong steps to create a healthy working environment in public hospitals and clinics.

We need a positive work culture that encourages quality, learning and growth, and is anti-bullying and anti-discrimination.

While we understand that junior health professionals must work longer-than-average hours to learn skills and competence, we urge a balance that protects their well-being and mental health.

For seniors, there are ways to teach, inspire and motivate juniors without being abusive.

For senior leaders, they must take responsibility to build safe and learning working spaces, and actively address toxic workplace behavior.

Health professionals must be made aware of the resources available for them to seek support, and all feedback must be received and investigated without the fear of repercussions.

A healthy workplace is one where communication goes two ways, and the welfare of each member is accorded high priority.

The MHC welcomes the formation of a task force to investigate the death of the doctor.

We urge immediate and strong steps towards a positive working culture in all healthcare institutions.

We must protect the health professionals who are protecting the health of the rakyat.

Malaysian Health Coalition


Malaysian Health Coalition


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