Following the release of the media statement1 by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin regarding contract healthcare professionals, Malaysian Medics International (MMI) would like to express our gratitude to the Prime Minister for the assurance that contract healthcare professionals will now be able to specialize via extended contracts and pathways similar to federal scholarship (Hadiah Latihan Persekutan).
We acknowledge that details of the said plan are yet to be released.
In the interim, we hereby request:
1. For further details and clarification on the implementation of the current plan
A clear outline of the timeline and implementation plan will provide further assurance to current contract healthcare professionals. It will also facilitate them in the planning of their postgraduate training and exams to ensure a constant supply of government specialists to serve the country.
Additionally, clarity on the specialization pathways, particularly the parallel pathway and the total duration of contraction extensions will aid doctors better in their strategic planning.
2. For details on the benefits that contract healthcare professionals qualify for
Among the benefits mentioned, we request for further clarification on the sponsorship akin to the Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan scholarship or the fully paid study leave benefit.
The released statement provides the impression that there will be differences between the specializing security for contract and permanent healthcare professionals.
Simultaneously, we request for clarification on the eligibility of contract healthcare professionals on benefits available to their permanent counterparts, such as hazard leaves, flight warrants and many more.
3. For said medium and long-term plans to be published and made available for all current contract healthcare professionals at the soonest date possible
There is a lack of clear communication channels between the administrators and the contract healthcare workers.
MMI emphasizes that these are temporary solutions. Should the medium and long-term plans be finalized, official documents regarding the training of junior doctors must be made available for easy reference.
As a peak representative of medical students and junior doctors, we offer ourselves as a potential representative on the Ministry of Health Policy Making Committee.
In conclusion, MMI appreciates the effort that the government has demonstrated in developing this plan.
At the same time, we urge the government to consider our above requests to ensure clarity as well as the implementation of the current plan alongside future medium and long term plans to safeguard the sustainability of the future of our healthcare system. Thank you.
1 Aling YD. Kontrak Pegawai Perubatan, Pegawai Pergigian, Pegawai Farmasi dilanjutkan. Harian Metro.