5:25pm 20/10/2020
Ex-convict starts new life by recycling

MIRI, Oct 20 (Sin Chew Daily) — He was once earning a five-figure income but ended up in prison as a drug addict and car thieve.

Huang Zong Fu, 35, from Marudi, who faced rejection in his attempts to look for jobs after serving his jail term, has set up a home beside the garbage site in Taman Tunku.

He lives by scavenging as he is unable to find a job after trying many times. 

"The garbage thrown by the people are gold to me. Sometimes I actually find gold chain and cash accidentally. But I am not greedy. I return the items when the owners search in the garbage site," he said.

Since he was released from prison in September last year, Huang has lived next to the garbage site.

He was chased away by the council due to complaints from the residents, and his home was subsequently demolished.

But Huang returned as he was waiting for his wife and daughter to show up. 

Huang was remorseful of his past and is now earning his living on his own.

"I repair electrical items discarded by people and sell them. For electricals which are beyond repair, I sell their parts," he said.

Huang has so far picked up a refrigerator, an air-conditioner, over and even washing machine from the garbage site.

"Many come to me to look for electrical parts. Sometimes I will display the big items for sale by the roadside to catch buyer's attention. Some people stop their cars to inquire," he said.

Huang said frankly that people look down on scavengers but he sees the work as a recycling business.

He may not be earning well but is self-sufficient.

Huang said he was trying to minimize harm to the world through recycling.

He was chased away several times by the council enforcers for burning the garbage in open.

Huang said he is reducing the odor of garbage and is turning it into fertile soil which he could sell.

Huang left school after form three and had many jobs before.

He was once a water purifier salesman in West Malaysia where he was at his peak in career.

He was earning a five-figure income before he reached 30 in 2015.

Due to bad company, he became a drug addict and after returning to his hometown, his income plunged.

In order to make quick money, he was stealing cars with friends and ended up in jail for two years and six months in 2017.

He is now working hard to earn a living by recycling and repairing, with the hope he is given a chance to turn over a new leaf.



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