By Dato' Dr Amar-Singh HSS / Yuenwah San / Datin Dr Swee-Im Lim / Ernest Balasingam
It is increasingly recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic may last 1 to 2 years. It is expected that COVID-19 cases will recur episodically and we will have to control each 'wave' until it gradually fades over time. Hence retail outlets, especially supermarkets, will have to adjust to this situation and continue to maintain a safe environment for shoppers and staff.
Supermarkets play an important role in COVID-19 prevention. Many supermarkets have put in place measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 at their premises. However, as the Movement Control Order is relaxed, and client numbers increase, supermarkets will have to be even more vigilant.
We offer here a 'Guide for Supermarkets to Standardize COVID-19 Prevention': the 'new normal' for supermarkets. This guide aims to help standardize the measures to be taken by all supermarkets, as well as offer ideas and initiatives that could be taken.
The complete supermarket guide is available for download and use here.
For staff the guide covers training and retraining, need for personal protective equipment, cleaning routines for the supermarket premises and trolleys, contactless payment, staff meal times and risk of socializing, regular staff monitoring and health checks, family safety and appendices for useful information. The guide offers ideas on how to determine the maximum number of shoppers to be allowed into the premises and how to 'speed up' the shopping episode.
Shoppers also have a responsibility to the supermarket staff and other customers. For shoppers the guide covers safe physical distancing, hand-washing and disinfection, use of masks, temperature screening and priority shopping time slots. The guide also provides advice on minimizing risk behavior. For example, shoppers wearing gloves may pose a risk to others and to themselves, as glove wearing may give a false sense of security, leading to high-risk touching of items.
Changes or alternatives to established shopping methods are suggested. These include expanding online shopping with home delivery services, establishing a comprehensive 'drive-by-pick-up-shopping' service, pre-pack commonly-purchased items for quick pick up and free parking to minimize button and card contact.
It is important that supermarkets all over the country standardize their practices and continue to learn from each other and other countries. Attention to detail and adherence to a strong routine of standardized measures will help us through these difficult times.
(Dato' Dr Amar-Singh HSS is Consultant Pediatrician; Yuenwah San is Senior Advisor on Disability Inclusion, Social Development Division, United Nations ESCAP; Datin Dr Swee-Im Lim is a retired Medical Practitioner; and Ernest Balasingam is Lawyer and Trainer (HR Compliance & Regulatory).